Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Atlas Exclusive: Robert Spencer: Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama? - Atlas Shrugs

Atlas Exclusive: Robert Spencer: Can We Survive Four More Years of Obama? - Atlas Shrugs: "Can America afford four more years of Barack Obama as President of the United States? In the most literal terms, probably not: his reckless deficit spending can’t be sustained indefinitely, and as he has campaigned on a platform of more free goodies for everyone, it won’t be much longer before the gravy train runs out. Meanwhile, his relentless class warfare rhetoric has sown the seeds of civil discord for years to come. But even worse could be in store for us if Obama is reelected.

Now that pro-Sharia Islamic supremacist regimes are installed, thanks to Barack Obama, in Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya, the oppression of women and non-Muslims is certain to escalate in those countries. They are also certain only to grow in their anti-Americanism, and may try to unite in an attempt to restore the caliphate, which will only bring more bloodshed and strife to the region. And since the caliph is the only one authorized (and required) in Islamic law to wage offensive jihad against Infidels, if they succeed in choosing one, the result will not be happy for America and the West."

'via Blog this'

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