Friday, November 30, 2012

Vatican’s twisted priorities - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews

Vatican’s twisted priorities - Israel Opinion, Ynetnews: "Last November, Maronite Patriarch Beshara Rai, head of Lebanon’s Catholic Church, sent his envoy, Father Abdo Abou Kassem, to Tehran for a conference in support of a “Zionist-free middle east.” The conference was also attended by Hezbollah ideologue Mohammad Raad and by Hamas leader, Khaled Mashaal.

If in the wartime period the Vatican had taken a moral stand against Nazism, the outcome might have been different for the Jewish people. But that was 1943. By 2012, the Church should know better. Yet it seems that as was the case in World War II, the Vatican is again pursuing a joint cause with evil forces to buy temporary security."

'via Blog this'

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