Friday, May 27, 2016

PEW Poll Analysis: A billion Muslims want Sharia law | Muslim Statistics

PEW Poll Analysis: A billion Muslims want Sharia law | Muslim Statistics: "But we can make reasonable (and conservative) assumptions about the rest of them, and the results are even scarier. I extrapolated Pew’s results in each region (e.g., Central Asia) across the whole region, using the smallest percentages that they found for the countries in the region they did survey. The lower-bound estimates I get for the world Muslim population are as follows:

— 63%, or just under a billion Muslims, want Sharia law;
— 38% of those Muslims, or about 370 million, want to force it on everyone.

That’s 24% of all the Muslims in the world that are, by my definition at least, radical. And that’s more than the population of the US and Canada put together."

'via Blog this'

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